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Rachel Wilkinson

Rachel Wilkinson

Battle Cancer Coach

Coming from a sporting family, I have enjoyed being part of many sports since a young age. Swimming became the main focus through school until my teenage years and I competed at county and national levels for my local swimming club. For many years after, horse riding became my main focus before I found CrossFit in 2017.

To this day, CrossFit continues to give me the constant challenge and variation to keep me motivated to improve, as well as helping me switch off from a long day at work. I recognised quickly how accessible CrossFit can be to many people who want to improve their mental and physical health through fitness, including those who have a disability. Working as an Occupational Therapist for the NHS, I wanted to use this knowledge and expertise within the CrossFit space to help others see the mental and physical benefits to CrossFit, which led me to complete my coaching qualification. Over the years I have coached a range of adaptive athletes with varying disabilities, as well the general CrossFit classes. More recently my coaching has been focused on the Battle Cancer Program at CREW, supporting those post cancer treatment with a structured CrossFit programme to improve their health and wellbeing.

I hope to continue to coach people from all walks of like to achieve things they never thought they could, because there really is no better feeling than seeing people succeed.


CrossFit Level 2 Trainer
CrossFit Adaptive
Battle Cancer Program Level 1 Certification
Rachel Wilkinson CrossFit Coach


CrossFit Level 2 Trainer
CrossFit Adaptive
Battle Cancer Program Level 1 Certification

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