Unlike Carey, I grew up being afraid of fitness and lacking the confidence to push myself out of my comfort zone and participate in sporty activities. Food and socialising made me happy so that was my focus, but sadly that kind of lifestyle takes it toll after a while and I realised I had to make a change. It wasn’t until way into my 20’s I started to dabble here and there with conventional gyms and bootcamps, and then one day I got dragged to a CrossFit box open day and I was in awe. I thought boy do those people look tired and sweaty, yet they just keep beasting themselves, I want to try that! First trial session through and I was hooked, I finally found something active that I loved, it pushed both my physical and mental boundaries and as an added bonus I became part of an awesome community. This was where I also unlocked my passion for rowing. Such a simple looking movement, but so easily executed poorly, and I just absolutely love to coach it.
Having toured the US with Carey delivering seminars in multiple CrossFit boxes, and with some high-level athletes, my passion for the sport and aerobic capacity work has grown. I’ve learnt even more about the sport and so many tips and tricks along the way on how to support people learn the techniques and tap into their own abilities/potential.
On the road to addressing my own lifestyle choices and being the big foodie that I am, I needed to find balance. So, I’ve spent many years researching nutrition and gaining further qualifications to help support others build good habits too, from experience I know just how life changing that can be. I’m a big believer that one size certainly does not fit all, and therefore take a very individual approach with both fitness and nutrition coaching.
Going from working for the NHS to managing and running a fitness facility may sound crazy to some, but overall, I just have a real passion in supporting others to unlock their potential and start believing in themselves, so what better place to do it! I’ll be leading the way in ensuring this facility is a welcoming environment where everyone feels comfortable and willing to give it a try, regardless of background and ability, because we all know that we have to start somewhere!