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Woman exercising with gymnastic rings.

Murph is one of the most iconic hero workouts in CrossFit. Over the US Memorial Day weekend, we want as many of you as possible to come in, remember the fallen and tackle this monumental workout; 1 mile run 100 pull-ups 200 push-ups 300 air squats 1 mile run An element of our PRVN programming […]

CREW Weightlifting Competition (In-house)

Man weightlifting in a gym

Hosted by the Barbell Wizard himself, a zero pressure comp where, yes there will be a winner, but more-so a platform to cheer each other along and try and hit a new Snatch and Clean & Jerk PB. The date coincides with the end of the current Barbell training block. A great opportunity to celebrate […]

Bring a Friend & Social Event

Group at Crew Fitness gym

We would love to see you all along with your pals at our Bring a Friend Day. This is a great opportunity for us to show our facility to more people and continue to grow our community. Friends are invited to train with you for free, with a fun but challenging partner workout. And we’ll […]

CrossFit Open 2023

Dog lying on the floor near people.

Are you in for the Open? Join us at Oɴᴇ Cʀᴇᴡ CʀᴏssFɪᴛ (CREW Fitness). The CrossFit Open isn’t just the first qualification round on the road to the Games… It isn’t just a chance for you to benchmark your fitness against past performances and the entire world 🌍 … It’s also a chance to bring […]

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